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Indian Army launches Army Sports Girls Company at Army Sports Institute, Pune


Pune: Indian Army launched Army Sports Girls Company at Army Sports Institute, Pune. This initiative will empower young female athletes and also underscores the significance of gender equality and inclusivity in sports.

The Indian Army has taken a groundbreaking step by introducing the Army Sports Girls Company, aimed at nurturing girls talent in four sports disciplines: Archery, Athletics, Boxing, and Weightlifting.

The Army has identified two of its Centres of Excellence for the operation of these companies. These are the Army Marksmanship Unit in Mhow and Army Sports Institute in Pune.

On the inaugural day of the first induction rally at Army Sports Institute, Pune, a remarkable 980 girls from across the nation actively participated in the selection trials, showcasing their determination and skill. This initiative, catering to girls aged 12 to 16, seeks to promote sports and provide a platform for them to excel in their chosen field.

The selected girls will undergo rigorous training and compete at both national and international levels, offering them the opportunity to demonstrate their prowess and bring honor to the nation and the Indian Army through their medal-winning performances.

Aside from bringing laurels through their medal-winning efforts, the selected girls will also be eligible for recruitment as Direct Entry Non-Commissioned Officers and Junior Commissioned Officers, in addition to enrollment as Agniveers.

This commendable initiative not only empowers young female athletes but also underscores the significance of gender equality and inclusivity in sports. The Army Sports Girls Company serves as a beacon of breaking barriers and nurturing talent, thereby contributing significantly to the holistic development of the sports landscape in India, stated a press release.

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